How has 2024 started for you? Have you sprinted into action, full of energy at the prospect of all the adventures to come over the next 12 months? Or are you among those who find 'getting going' after time off over the holidays a bit of a challenge?
After a busy few weeks of playing hostess to visiting family and friends, I've loved getting back into the studio. But I'm very mindful that the start of January isn't everyone's cup of tea.
Cutting through the January gloom
If you belong to that latter camp, and going somewhere sunny isn't an option, I want to say this: look out for the little things and the everyday wonders that happen around us all the time, if only we allow ourselves to see them. I realise it may sound trite, but they can make a difference on perhaps otherwise unremarkable days.
Take this piece of toast, above, I came upon this morning as an example. On the face of it, it has a(n annoying, you might say) hole in it caused by an air bubble. OR, you can choose to look at it as a cute heart shape, sent by the universe as a random cheerful sign. I for one chose to see it as the latter!
Or how about this tiny bird's nest that I discovered as I was taking down the Christmas tree last week? Adorable. (And - crucially - it looks as if it had been abandoned long before the tree was cut down).

Things to make your heart sparkle
Yes, these are all small things indeed, and yes they won't change the world, but they made me smile. And if I hadn't seen them I wouldn't have been able to share this with you, would I?
Happy January, because it absolutely can be! 😀💪
(And if in doubt and the above doesn't do anything for you, seek out something shiny and sparkly. As a maker of jewellery I am obviously rather biased, but glitter is ALWAYS an automatic mood lifter, I promise you).💍🌟